Refined Pedegogy

The biggest piece that I have taken away from my pre-internship experience is that everyone has different skills, values, and beliefs. I knew this before, but I needed to see it in the context of a school setting to truly understand it. The different skills is a little more obvious but I was shocked at how differently people value and interpret schools. It gave me a whole new meaning to “teach to every student”. Because of this my new pedagogy rests on a pillar of teaching students as individuals. There is not right answer to teach a class, you can only do want is best for each individual student. This includes making case by case decisions about lesson instruction, project types, assessment, classroom management, and more aspects of teaching. The fact of the matter is that school environments and students develop any change on a daily basis. Therefore a pedagogy requires fluidity. In the case of my approach it allows the flexibility to be well adversed in a variety of skills, techniques, strategies, and concepts so that they can be included in a “toolkit”. This toolkit is what we use to best teach to the individual needs of our students.

One thought on “Refined Pedegogy

  1. Tyler – good start here, but I think you can continue to expand on this in internship. Really, you’re talking a lot about the need for differentiation. What else do you see as foundational beliefs or as your goals for education? Moreover, how can you back up these beliefs by linking to lessons, etc. that show how you enact your philosophy in the classroom?

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