Lesson Plans

Throughout the pre-internship lesson planing was revolutionized. Initially I struggled because it took me so long to create a lesson plan that I had to become more efficient. Also, I needed to find a little bit more about myself and how I teach so that I could create a lesson plan that would work for me and my teaching style. Similarly to my pedagogy I believe that all teachers have a way of teaching that they need to find success.

Initially my first lessons were like this one (Lesson 1). Personally, I really like the linear sequence that I can quickly reference to help me keep on point. Please observe the first lesson plan from the pre-internship experience. I wrote it for my Foundation and Pre-Calculus 10 Class.

Later on I was finding that I needed more of my lesson pre prepared so that I could better control the pace of my room. My lesson plans became more concise because my examples and more detailed lecture points were put into power points on on separate documents. My reasoning for doing this was to help with my lesson plan organization and allowing me to keep my classes rolling smoothly. Below I have an example from my Foundations and Pre-Calculus 10 Class later on the in pre-internship.

Lesson 6(Lesson Plan)

Lesson 6 Example Questions

Lesson 6 (Presentation

Lesson 6 Worksheet

In my Foundations and Pre-Calculus 10 class I assessed the students through an inquiry project. I budgeted several day where the students could go to the computer lab and work on it. Since, it was a project based lesson I didn’t really have much planning for what I would be doing in the classroom myself. I knew I would be moving around helping students, however, I needed a way of planning the lesson so that students could effectively work their ways through the project to avoid unnecessary questions and classroom management issues. I carefully constructed my project hand out so that it would scaffold the kids and they could efficiently work though the project independently.

Relation and Function Lab

MFPC project demo

Later on my cooperating teacher took a look at my work. She gave me some good ideas on how it could be improved. She edited my version above and taught me some skills of how to better set it up visually to help scaffold students thought the project. Some of the things she showed me were boxing areas so students could distinguish between where each relations information went, better labelling, and expanding some of my written description.

I also noticed that different classes warranted different types of planning. Since physical education requires me to be moving so much and helping to make sure the class is running smoothly I needed  it to be organized. Also, I used a little more description on the Wellness 10 lesson plans because it served as a way for me to pre plan how I would explain drills to students. This way I could have a resource in the gymnasium to help make my instruction clear and maintain fluidity in my lessons. Also, between the lessons for this class I set them up so that they all had a similar structure. This way I could establish a routine, this allowed my students to have a better understanding of what was happening in the class and they could get used to my expectations for each section of the lessons. Observe my second lesson plan for my Wellness 10 class.

Wellness 10 Lesson 2


One thought on “Lesson Plans

  1. I like how you talk about your improvements to your lesson planning, but you may want to reorganize in order to really showcase your lessons. I’d suggest having a separate tab for lesson plans and then creating a separate child page for each lesson, so that you can really highlight what the lesson was about, how it went, and what kind of products the students produced.

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