e-Portfolio Log #5: Knowing Our Learners

The reading made me think a lot about my Math Education Faculty Leader Rick Seaman. He is very adamant in his belief “we teach people”. Meaning that there is more to teaching than piling students into classrooms and running over the curriculum. They are people that we need to take the time to get to know.

The connection between getting to know our students and academic success is made very clear throughout the reading along with supports that can be offered to help students who may have different needs than we would usually experience. For many of the possible challenges it is suggested that we increase students positive attitude towards learning, develop a feeling of affiliation with the school, involve them. I feel that the text missed out on a undervalued reason for getting to know our students. That is we need to know our students so that we can get them involved, thirsty for knowledge,  and make them feel part of the school community. There is more to schools that the classroom lectures. There is hidden curriculum  in social interactions, extra curricular events, researching beyond expectations. In general students participate in the previously listed things because they enjoy them and they make education enjoyable for them.  Education is more complex than just learning government curriculum it is a balanced experience that is educational is so many more ways.

Essentially, we need to get to know our students so that we can make schooling a pleasant experience for them. When we can have students engaged in all aspects of school academic, social, and extra curricular we will start to see enthusiasm and success from all areas of life transferring into classroom academics.

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